The newest kids: Tarzan, Jane and Cheetah. Tarzan and Cheetah were adopted 3/1/09 Tarzan really became a favorite quickly. They were all very shy when we got them. Tarzan was the first to come out of his shell. He's a very lovey, purry fellow. Such a sweetheart.. he should of been named Romeo, as I knew it would be hard to let him go.
Jane is now left by herself. She'll come up to us on the couch and be lovey and purr. But it still very skittish when we try to approach her. We have to wait til she comes to us.
Also we have Solitaire. He'll be out of quarantine this Thursday. He was found by a dog.. or rather he found the dog. A couple was out walking their dog, and Solitaire came up to him. He's a little older than the others, about 4 months now. He has been absolutely awesome. He has been super friendly from the beginning. He is a little biter though, which is typical of stray kitties, especially when they're by themselves. Aragorn has already gotten in... twice, and they immediately started playing. Unfortunately, I had to remove Aragorn, as Solitaire still has quarantine. (It's a precaution of 2 weeks to make sure the new kitty doesn't have any bugs that he may pass onto the other kitties.) Aragorn and Solitaire are very similar in personalities. Very vocal, playful, always on the go. They'll pair up quickly.